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Policies. Procedures and Vendor Rules


The Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market operates on Saturday mornings from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm from February to the last week before Christmas)


There are two categories of vendors at the Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market Cooperative:

Member Vendors – a primary or secondary producer or a citizen at large who attends the Market on a weekly basis, commits to attending for a minimum of 20 weeks and pays an annual membership fee of $65.00. Member vendors are granted extra benefits including reduced stall fees and are assigned a regular vending space for the season, if space permits.
Casual Non-Member Vendors – a primary or secondary producer or a citizen at large who attends the Market on a week-to-week basis and is assigned a space based on availability at the Market and in accordance with whether or not there is an opening in their product category.


Spaces are reassigned at the beginning of each season based on market mix, market flow and are at the discretion of the Manager and Board and is based on the following criteria:

Member vendors who are in good standing from the previous season will be given first choice for space for the next year. Good standing refers to a vendor who is in compliance with the policies and procedures of the market and is current with any or all fees. 

Casual Non-Member Vendors who are in good standing from the previous season who wish to become Member vendors will be given the next choice for space based on seniority and according to product – Primary, Secondary Producers and all Others.

New Casual Non-Member Vendors who attend on a weekly basis will be given the next choice for space based on availability and seniority and according to product –Primary, Secondary Producers and all Others. 

Casual Non-Member Vendors coming for an occasional market day will be assigned a space based on availability and according to product –primary producers, secondary food producers and all others.

Flex Space -“Flex Spaces” may or may not be located inside the Market Hall and are reserved for primary producer members (of that operating day) to utilize when required for the early and late season.  Flex spots may be designated for primary producer members (produce) who wish to locate outside under the rear canopy from June until October, but start the season indoors or shift indoors for January and October through to closing in December. If a designated primary producer vendor is located inside the building, flex spaces may be created on either side to accommodate mid-season expansion. When primary producer members are not utilizing their indoor flex space, the space can be assigned to another TFM Member or Casual vendor.  Members occupying the space will be given 7 days’ notice. In order to designate a flex space, primary producer vendors must indicate their need for the flex space on their application form. Flex space must be cancelled 48 hours in advance of the Saturday market. 


On rare occurrences the market may have to be cancelled due to inclement weather or power outages for the safety of vendors and patrons alike. 

If the decision is made to cancel due to a storm forecast every effort will be made to notify all vendors booked as soon as possible. The manager, in consultation with the board, will aim to make a decision by 7pm Thursday and a public Facebook announcement will be made at that time. Vendors will also be contacted by the manager by email (or telephone for those without email) by noon on Friday.

In the extremely rare case of an unanticipated last minute consideration the manager and or board reserve the right to cancel a market for safety reasons up until the scheduled opening time. In this case all booked vendors will be contacted by phone by a member of the board or management. 

Vendors can always exercise the right to withdraw from a booked market due to poor weather or road conditions in their area. They should contact the market manager as soon as their decision is made and the Market Manager may waive, at their discretion, the vendor fees for that day. If you cannot reach the market manager directly please email regarding your absence prior to the start time of the market. 


Hours of Operation: 1st Saturday in February to the last Saturday before Christmas Eve and the hours shall be 9:00 am until 1:00 pm.


1. Only Maritime grown or produced products as listed here may be sold:
vegetables, fruits, herbs, seedlings, flowers, potted plants, trees/shrubs, home baking, honey, maple products, eggs, jams and preserves, pickles, meat and fish (fresh, frozen, smoked or cured), pasteurized dairy products, juice products, candy, wine, craft beer, distilled alcohol, prepared foods and artisan products.

Absolutely no peddlers or second hand (used) items permitted. 

2.  BIO-SOLIDS POLICY - Any produce, meat, and/or processed food ingredients grown with bio-solid fertilizer or use of bio-solid fertilizer and/or the use of bio-solid fertilizer for production in the last three years, will not be allowed for sale at the Tatamagouche Farmers' Market. Further the Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market shall not permit any promotion/sale of  bio-solid fertilizer.

3. Only active members, as defined by TFM Policy, are permitted to sell product that they have not directly produced. The sale of additional product which is not directly produced by the Vendor shall:
meet product criteria as defined by TFM Rules – Item 1,
be pre-approved by the TFM Market Manager through submission of a written application,
not exceed 30% of their displayed merchandise,
be clearly displayed so that the Market Manager can visually approximate the 70/30 split, 
be clearly labeled, including signage, to show the source/origin of each additional product,
be in the same product category of the Vendor’s original membership application. i.e. if the vendor’s original membership application was approved for the sale of produce, the additional product approval will only be considered for the addition of other produce items, but not dairy meat or eggs.
be produced in Nova Scotia. 
Exception to the Rule: 
The TFM Manager is authorized to approve the sale of additional product that does not meet the above criteria, (i.e. Higher than 30% criteria, outside of the Vendors’ originally approved product category, or produced outside of NS) if the additional product provides for an unmet identified product need for Market customers. 

4. Member Vendors or Casual Non-Member Vendors are not permitted to add nonprofit fundraiser items to their approved merchandise without pre-approval from the Market Manager and Board of Directors. 

5. Single servings of items as well as sampling consistent with Section 1 & 2 are allowed to  be sold/offered by Vendors. Vendors must identify and obtain the necessary permits and training required by Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Climate Change. These requirements may include a Food Establishment Permit, Special Event Permit and Food Handler Training. Proof of certification must be displayed at all times when selling at the Market. Deviation from the terms established in the permitting process will be considered grounds for cessation of membership. While the Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market may be a party in the provision of facilities and equipment as identified in Section 19 (1) of the Food Safety Regulations of the Health Protection Act, satisfaction of those requirements is the full responsibility of the member/license holder. 

The Food Safety Officer is Joshua Boudreau and he can be reached at Nova Scotia   Environment and Climate Change, 36 Inglis Place, Truro, NS  B2N 4B4. Cell: 902-956-0935 Office: 902-893-5880 Fax: 902-893-0282 Email:

6. Owners/operators of retail and/or wholesale businesses are permitted to sell at the Market provided they produce the item(s) they sell. Admittance of vendors is subject to approval by the Manager and/or Board of Directors, with the intent of maintaining a balance of products at the Market. 

7. Only active members as defined by TFM Policy are permitted to sell product that they have not directly produced. The sale of non-vendor produced product shall be in accordance with Item 3 of the TFM Vendor Rules and Procedures. 
8. All applicants are required to complete the Vendor Application process in order to be considered as a potential vendor. Completion of application does not guarantee acceptance. The Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market Cooperative reserves the right to limit acceptance based on whether or not a particular product category has an opening. 

9. The Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market Cooperative reserves the right to conduct farm or site visits of any vendor to ensure that products being sold comply with TFM policies. 

10. There will be no selling of live animals.

11. Farms and/or homestead vendors are permitted to sell anything produced on their land as long as it follows policy, and has been approved by management. Products must be sold with respect to vendors selling similar products and may not be sold as a primary product.


At Management and Board discretion, a market table may provide small quantities of items from Vendors who cannot be at the market and the items are filling a void in availability of that particular product.

For Vendors who may have a absence due to illness or family emergency, some of their products may be made available at the market table. Any products sold via the market table will be subject to a charge of 15% of total sales going directly to the TFM.



All products sold at the Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market Cooperative shall be in compliance with the Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Climate Change Guidelines for Public Markets. Copies of the Guidelines are available from the aforementioned Department.
The following products are prohibited for sale at the Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market (Schedule C): 

  • Raw milk

  • Low acid canned food- home produced such as tomatoes 

  • Canned meat, canned fish, smoked fish, shellfish and seafood products not produced at a licensed facility 

  • Uninspected meat or poultry or meat and poultry products as defined in the Meat Inspection Act 

  • Sale of wildlife as defined in the Wildlife Act 

  • Perishable food which has been stored between 4ºC and 60ºC or prepared under unsanitary conditions 

  • Cracked eggs 

  • Other such foods deemed potentially hazardous by the Food Safety Specialist 

  • All prepared foodstuff (i.e. jams, pickles, baked goods, candy, fudge) and all skin care and health care products must be clearly labeled with the product name, quantity, producers name and contact information, ingredients, and best before date in compliance with the Guidelines for Public Markets. Canadian Food Inspection Agency restrictions for special claims and the use of terms such as “Diabetic” and “Allergy Alert” must be followed. 

All vendors selling food products are required to fill out the Food Safety Checklist. The document must be signed and returned before the vendor is permitted to sell at the Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market. 

A representative from the NS Department of Environment and Climate Change may attend the Market periodically to inspect the items being sold, either by request or unannounced. It is up to each vendor to ensure he/she is in compliance with all regulations at all times. 

The Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market Cooperative Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse any vendor who does not comply with all of the rules on a regular basis. Furthermore, the Department of Environment and Climate Change may exercise its right to terminate a vendor’s operation if their regulations are not being followed.



A member of the Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market Cooperative is a person at large or a vendor, who:
subscribes to the objectives of the Market in accordance with the Mission, Vision, Values, Policies and Procedures  
has paid an annual membership fee as well as agreeing to attend the AGM and support the fundraising initiatives/events by donating product and / or time to a minimum of 1 event. 
If a Vendor, he or she shall agree to pay for a minimum of 20 weeks ( April through December) of the market season.(Note: One membership payment equals one vote.)


Members of the Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market Cooperative must be Primary or Secondary Producers, or a Citizen at large. There must be an available spot in the appropriate producer category. The membership year is the twelve month period from the beginning of a membership approval. Members must agree to pay an annual membership fee of $65.00 upon acceptance of membership. Memberships shall be approved on or before the AGM and payment taken at the AGM. Should a new Vendor be approved for membership later in the season, the Membership fees shall not be pro rated and will be $65.00.  
Please note that submission of the membership fee does not automatically constitute acceptance.


a) Access to same spot each week, if space allows.
b) Guaranteed access to a maximum of four stalls per Market outside or two spaces inside, space permitting.
c) Eligible to reserve ‘flex space’ indoors for early and late season (primary producers only).
d) Priority for vacant designated indoor ‘flex spaces’. 
e) Eligible to contribute to the direction of the Market through nomination to the Board of   Directors, and serve on committees/projects and be able to vote at all meetings.
f) Reduction in weekly vendor stall fees.
g) First refusal for any new available space, by request.
h) Permitted to diversify their merchandise (70/30% rule).
i) Access to professional Management Training programs through FMNS.
j) Profile of Business on the Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market Cooperative website 


Membership will cease when
A member gives notice to the Manager.
A member fails to subscribe to the objectives and rules of the Market and/or to satisfy the criteria for membership.
A vendor engages in a way that is detrimental to the positive ambience of the market environment or is in conflict with the objectives and policies of the Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market Cooperative.
Confidential, written notice from the Market Board will be delivered in the event that membership is being withdrawn.


All members shall:
Ensure they are aware, and prepared to uphold, through the nature of their business and the way they conduct themselves on site, the policies, bylaws and rules of the operation of the Market.
Offer feedback for positive change through the Manager and/or Board.
Participate in some aspect of the Market’s operations, according to skills, interests, availability of time, by volunteering for special events or tasks, participating on committees or donating product for marketing events.
Be encouraged to attend meetings regularly - new season and annual.
Be encouraged to become part of and contribute to the Farmers’ Market community by supporting one another as a whole.
f)   Be supportive and respectful of fellow vendors, volunteers, Board members and staff. 


All Member Vendors pay an annual membership fee of $65.00. Weekly stall fees are due in advance or on Market Day. Members may request monthly, quarterly or yearly invoicing of stall fees. Cash, Square Debit and Etransfer ( fees will be collected by the market manager on market day. Receipts may be issued by request.  

All fees include HST


MEMBER Vendor Fees per Market Day - INDOOR

4ft table - $30 middle / $34 wall

6ft table - $33 middle / $40 wall

8ft table - $35 middle / $43 wall

MEMBER Vendor Fees per Market Day - OUTDOOR

8ft space - $29

CASUAL Non-Member Vendor Fees per Market Day – INDOOR

4ft table - $35 middle / $38 wall

6ft table - $38 middle / $45 wall

8ft table - $42 middle / $50 wall

CASUAL Non-Member Vendor Fees per Market Day – OUTDOOR

8ft space - $34


3)Power fees may be imposed based on the actual use, number of appliances and duration of use.  Management may request device wattage and power draw information.  Management reserves the right to reject certain appliances and uses. All appliances and extension cords must be CSA approved.

4) All vendors are required to bring their own chairs and canopies
5) Throughout the season, all vendors will be asked to assist with fundraising efforts through the donation of products or gift certificates and time. These donations assist with raising funds for operational costs of the Market. Fundraising helps to keep vendor fees at a lower rate.

6) Additional fees will be required for use of facility on non-Market days. 


1. The Market sells to the public every Saturday from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm February through December. No items are to be sold before the defined start time. A grace period of 10 minutes may be granted to vendors that are ready to sell.

2. All table spaces must be reserved in advance. If regular attendance is expected for every week, it is possible to reserve the same space for the whole season by becoming a Member and paying an annual fee of $65.00. 
Members who do not attend for three successive weeks may have their space reallocated and will be assigned a future space as available. If and when all spaces are booked, potential vendors may place their name on a waiting list. Vendors can choose to pay for a space in their absence in order to reserve that space.

3. To maintain membership privileges, a 20 week minimum attendance ( April through December) OR payment thereof is required each season. Membership is not valid until an application has been signed by both the member and the Manager and a receipt issued. All other vendors who do not pay membership fees will be referred to as Non-Members. 

4. We believe in vendors working together for the benefit of all vendors!  Vendors are expected to adhere to opening and closing hours (9am – 1 pm). In order to ensure the integrity, safety and professionalism of the Market, vendors are required t:o have vehicles unloaded and parked/moved one half hour before opening time (am for market opening; 8:30 am for market opening at 9:00 am). Vendors have the option to set-up on Friday afternoons or evenings (before 5:00 pm). Vendors who are not parked/moved by the appointed time will receive a fine of $10.00. (Exceptions for special circumstances can easily be arranged by speaking to the Market Manager.) After three late notices/fines, vendors may be suspended for a week.
If the situation has not been remedied after this time, the following disciplinary actions may be taken: 
•Vendor may lose reserved space privilege. 
• The situation may be addressed at the Board level and expulsion from the Market may be the result. 
If a vendor is issued a fine due to non-compliance, the vendor must pay the fine on the day issued or 24 hours before setting up on their next market day.

5. Vendors who are running late on Saturday morning, or not attending due to an emergency must notify the Manager. If a vendor is late, their space may be rented to another vendor in order to fill in any large gaps on the Market floor. Late arrivals may be allocated to a different space for that day.

6.Cancellation Notice - ALL vendors are required to contact the Market Manager at or 902 664 4237 by Wednesday at 4 pm, if attendance is impossible, to cancel space reservation for that week. Weekly fees will be charged if notification is not given in advance (without exception.) Membership, reserved spaces and fees paid in advance will be forfeited if attendance is missed without notification two weeks in a row. All vendors are responsible for preparing for inclement weather and will not be reimbursed for missed dates. Notification of Market closure due to forecasted inclement weather will be decided by noon on Friday. Vendors will not be charged for market closure.

7. Vendors who reserve more than one space must use and pay for all spaces each week, unless 48 hour cancellation notice is given to the Manager.

8. Any vendor who cannot stay for a full market scheduled time period must cancel for that week. Leaving prior to the end of the scheduled market day is not permitted. 

9. Breakdown of stalls is NOT permitted before 1:00 pm. All vendors must be prepared to stay for the entire Market day, even if all products have been sold. For safety reasons, vehicles are not allowed onsite before 1:00 pm. Vendors who leave early affect the other vendors around them. A fine of $10 will be given to vendors who leave early without notice to the Manager for special reasons. 


Table Space:
All vendors are requested to keep their table space clean, professional and safe at all times. This presents an overall positive image to the TFM customer and benefits everyone.

1. Vendors can use TFM tables and if they wish to bring their own table, this shall be on approval of the Manager. Vendors shall provide their own stool/chair. Outdoor vendors are permitted to bring their own canopies which shall be in good condition as deemed by the Manager. Vendors are responsible for erecting and dismantling their canopies/equipment bringing their stools and and any other needed equipment. These must be clean and in good working order. Please bear in mind, we are in a windy location and Vendors are responsible for securing their canopies and equipment and any damages that may occur.

2.  It is the responsibility of each vendor to ensure their space is left clean. Vendors MUST dispose of all garbage, recycling and perishable items in market designated receptacles. Please separate and flatten all cardboard and place inside the carboard dumpster bin outside. When sweeping your space, please ensure it is not swept into a neighboring space.  The seating areas both indoor and outdoor that is used by customers must be kept clean. It will be the responsibility of the market staff to maintain the seating area in a clean, presentable condition.

4. Vendors are encouraged to use recyclable and compostable serving containers.

5. The Manager and/or Board of Directors require that minimum display and sales standards be met (i.e. neat, attractive displays, name of business, fresh and quality products) to ensure an overall Market standard is maintained

6. All signage must be kept within the designated rented stall space and displayed in a manner that is professional and not does create tripping hazards. Any outside sandwich boards or heavy signs must be safely anchored down. 

7. Customer and Vendor dogs are NOT permitted inside the Market Building, with the exception of service dogs.  Dogs are permitted on the outside Market grounds and canopy areas.  All dogs on-site must be kept on a short leash, kept back from the tables and be under control at all times.

8. Only CSA approved appliances and extension cords may be used at the Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market.

9. Unless approved by the Manager and located in a designated area, all internal stalls must be portable and or removable. Tables must either be folding or on wheels. 

10. If a Saturday vendor wishes to leave their stall on site all week, and that member is not vending the next week, that stall must be left in a condition and configuration that is presentable to the public and potentially accessible by another vendor and on approval of the Manager.

11. Vendors who require their vehicles to retail (e.g. food truck or fish trailer) or have a vehicle exceeding the size of a cargo van or ½ ton pick-up can only be parked in a designated area on the site as assigned by the Manager.

12. Vendors who bring children cannot leave them unattended at the Market. We are not insured for children left unsupervised in any area and this includes any play area for use by patrons.

13. All misadventures or injuries to customers or vendors and their staff must be reported to the Manager immediately for evaluation and assistance. A file will be kept of all instances.

14. Vendors are not permitted to smoke or vape in the Market or in Creamery Square.

15. Vendors are required to always conduct themselves in a pleasant and business-like manner while attending the Market. Rude or otherwise inappropriate behavior with customers, volunteers, market staff or other vendors will not be tolerated. 

Vendors may be given anonymous sales record sheets to complete. It is important to complete these sheets as this information shows the important role the Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market plays in the economy of our community and province. The better our data, the better the Board and Management can advocate for funding on your behalf. This data assists with the growth of the Market.


Vendors are encouraged to take advantage of online training and education provided by TFM and FMNS on marketing, sales social media and customer service.

Notices and memos may be passed out or emailed during the season. The primary and preferred method of communication is via email in efforts to reduce our footprint and costs. It  is up to all vendors to read and comply with requests or concerns in these notices and to check their email regularly.

 Any vendor who starts later in the season or who misses a week(s) must check with the Manager for information updates they may have missed. Vendors must also keep contact information current with the Manager. 


All Vendors once unloaded shall park at the far end of the upper parking lot, towards the Grain Elevator or behind the Grace. Parking in Creamery Square is reserved for visitors and cusomers to the Market and the Square.


The first point of contact for any conflict arising between vendor(s) and the Market or vendor to vendor (providing the issue is related to TFM), is the Market Manager. The Manager will work with the vendor(s) involved in the conflict to find a resolution.  If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved, the vendor(s) or Manager can present the issue to the Board President for a decision. Vendors who have an issue with the Manager can raise the issue with the Manager first or the President. If deemed necessary, the Board will make a final decision on the issue.

If there should be any problems concerning vendor compliance with the rules and/or policies:
Initial problems will firstly be addressed and resolved verbally by the Manager, then recorded.
Should the problem continue the next Market Day, the Manager will issue a written order to the Vendor within no later than 2 days after the market and a copy retained for the records. The President will be briefed and receive a copy of the written order.
Should the problem not be resolved, the President will mediate and document the discussion. If the matter is still unresolved, the President will call a meeting of the Board before the next market day at which time a final resolution will be determined and sent in written confidence to the vendor.
Notwithstanding the above, it will be understood in some circumstances that time is of the essence and an issue may require an immediate response and resolution before the next market.


It is important that vendors feel secure in developing new and innovative products without fear of having them copied and thus losing sales. All vendors will comply with Copyright Legislation and shall not copy or infringe on the original work of another who is an artist, author, crafter, etc. unless specific written consent is given.
Following Guidelines and Policies Benefits Everyone at the Market
As a valued TFM vendor, you are responsible for informing yourself and other ‘staff’ working your stall, about all policies and rules pertaining to your business. By working together and following the policies and rules, we maintain The Tatamagouche Farmers’ Market as a vibrant, viable, welcoming and safe community asset.

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